The destination of my travels is usually an impulsive decision. I read about something, I hear about something, I research that something, and my heart tells me to choose for that destination. Then the mind follows. I can’t rally recall how many different places I have been to without really having considered it prior. Even my life in Asia started out on an impulsive decision. And for what it’s worth; these impulsive decisions have always done the best for me.
Prague is not an exception to that process of impulsive decisions. I wanted to go, needed to go and had to go to see one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. And so I went on a beautiful early spring morning driving from my hometown Arnhem to the city of Prague armed with a bag full of photo & film equipment, a bag of warm clothes and a banana for along the way.
When walking the streets of Prague one can only reminisce about the time when all of these buildings where functioning at their peaks. The mostly gothic, renaissance and baroque style architecture give away a rich past that one can only long for in this world today. It;s almost like a nostalgic feeling walking the alleys of Prague. At any given time you expect a horse cart cross around the corner. Or see men walking the streets with the most amazing hats and mustaches, women with gracious dresses and kids properly dressed for church. Oh yes, closing your eyes while standing on the Charles Bridge will certainly bring you that feeling!
The Vltava River winds it’s way through the city like a snake catching up on it’s pray. Walking along the River allows for pretty views. Diving deeper into the alleys the true beauty comes alive. I can be captivated by murals or beautiful facades from which the plastering is coming loose. I’m not a religious person but I love taking pictures of churches. The detail of the sculptures, the beautiful flooring, and high ceilings with all of its artwork are kryptonite to me.
Pagodas in southeast Asia do the exact same to me. Perhaps I developed that interest during my architecture studies. I have a love for sculptures and buildings and everything else that was built with precision and eye for detail. Whenever I look at a statue, it should stare right back at me and tell me its story. Throughout Prague I felt the piercing eyes of statues follow me. And if you listen carefully, they will lead the way through Prague!
Prague definitely tickled my senses. A beautiful place where everything seemed to amaze me. From the delicious Pork Knuckle on my dinner plate to the little patio teahouse where I had my tea break, on to the Maly Buddha restaurant where I had an amazing Vietnamese lunch. If my heart keeps telling me to go to places like Prague, I feel the future is bright, Even though I love to explore the past. I am not done yet exploring the once mighty cities of Europe, or the world for that matter.
Peaceful Prague picture gallery.